New app icon
• Fixed artwork loading
- Fixed artworks loader
- Improved application performance in Screen Reader mode
- Fixed stations export to .pls file
- Chromecast basic support
- Fixed the audio decoder work
- Added FLAC streams support
- [Pro] Added presets for colors
- You can filter stations groups from the menu
- Fixed artwork loader
- Better call detection
- [Pro] Interface colors customization
- [Pro] User's EQ presets
- [Pro] Display bitrate option
- [Pro] Keep playback when audio focus lost option
A lot of new stations
1. The history list was moved to an another screen
2. To remove from the favorites now use a long click on the heart icon
3. New, more flexible widget
1. More fixes of phantom app startup
2. Fixed broken stations
3. New stations:
- Radio AnimeNight
- RadioDoki
- Anime Para Ti
- Radio Magic Anime
- Weeb Radio Network
- BOX : J - POP Radio
1. Added L/R audio balance control to EQ settings
2. Fixed some phantom start issues
1. Quick add track to favorites from notification
2. Added resume playback delay after call was ended
3. EQ animation on main screen
4. Welcome new stations:
- Japanimradio Fm
- Stereo Anime
- Tactac FM
- Anime FM
- Anime Radio Switzerland
- Purepure
- Freecall
- Animealive
- Crewfire FM
- Kawaii Music
- Fluffylandrpg
- Otaku World
- J Nation
- Anime Academy
- Geheimwelt
1. Fixed some stations
1. New EQ controller
2. Fixed some stations
1. Volume slider in EQ settings and Dock mode now in logarithmic scale.
2. Bug fixes
1. New track's artwork loader
2. Updated sleep timer with 30sec fade out
3. Scroll on spectrum view in dock mode to change volume
1. New track's artwork loader
2. Updated sleep timer with 30sec fade out
3. Scroll on spectrum view in dock mode to change volume
1. Stations pics replaced with generated icons (to avoid copyright claims)
2. Now you can export and import your custom stations (open .pls file with this app)
3. New stations:
- Nihonara!
- Opening Radio
- Aewen Radio - K-JPop
1. Cool carousel in fullscreen mode (tap on station's image at bottom-right)
2. New notification style for Android 8.1+
1. Music art/cover loading in dock mode
2. New stations:
- Geek Radio Music
- Aniterasu Radio
- Radio Akiba Brasil
1. New stations:
- Chiru no
- Anime Extremo
- JMusicAnime
- Japanese Music Radio
- Japannext Radio
- Akari Radio
- Anime Universe
1. Additional Volume control in sound settings
2. New stations:
- Wave Anime Radio
- Radio Anime Stream
- BaKaRadio
- Animecol Radio
- Genesis Anime
1. Fixed some stations
1. Fixed some stations
1. Fixed broken stations
1. Fixed broken stations
v4.2.51. New stations:- J-Pop Haru Sakura- Vocaloid Radio VRX- Animetaku Radio- RolWeb Stream- Naihatsu Radio- Animecon Radio Stream- J-Pop Project Radio- J-Idols Project Radio- J1 Radio- J1 XTRA- J1 GOLD- J1 A-chan
v4.2.41. New stations:- Ronin Radio- Radio Shinka2. Bug fixing
v4.2.31. Added few tooltips2. New "dock" mode when you tap on station logo near controls3. Added gestures swipe left/right and tap for Dock mode4. Search in bitrate: search 128 and get all 128kb/s stations5. Added volume crossfade between stations switch6. Clear option in history7. Bug fixing
v4.1.41. Bug fixing
v4.1.21. New equalizer features2. Stuck buffer timeout settings3. New station Anitronix
v4.0.101. Fixed text color in notification for some devices2. New station in this update:- J-Pop - PowerPlay- Asia DREAM Radio - Japan Hits- J-Pop - PowerPlay Kawaii- J-Club Powerplay HipHop- J-Rock - PowerPlay- J-Pop Sakura- KameCorp Radio